When we get up in the morning, sometimes we feel stiffness in our spine. Therefore to stretch our body every morning is a good way to release the kinks in our spine and joints. The other benefit is to create space in our body so that we can breathe optimally and have clearer mind.
There are six directions in spinal movement: a. Forward and backward, meaning to open and contract the spine so it becomes fluid. b. Side to side. Its purpose is to open up the intercostal muscles, i.e. the muscles that run between the ribs. These muscles help with the mechanical aspect of breathing by helping to expand and shrink the size of the chest cavity. c. Twist. Twisting helps in massaging our internal organs and will also help with releasing tension in the body which can have a positive effect on our mental state. All of these poses can be done standing and even sitting on a chair if you are having difficulty to sit on a floor. You can hold one pose for about 5 to 8 breaths and then move along with your breath. Do it slow and gentle to get the benefit of calming the mind if you need to. And remember to enjoy your exercise with smile and a grateful heart to increase the effects of the practice 😊